Home Stadium Info Sapporo Dome

Sapporo Dome

Home of the Hokkaido Nipponham Fighters

Photo: Russel Tiffin (IG: @npb.stadiums.tour)

Opened in: 2001

Stadium Capacity: 41,138

Dimensions: LF & RF: 100 m (328 ft) / CF: 122 m (400 ft)

Description: Sapporo Dome’s most unique feature is its retractable field, the first of its kind in the world. Alas, that neat field is for soccer, and the Fighters play on rather garish artificial turf. Perhaps most impressive about the facility is its ability to host a variety of sporting events, including rugby and even Nordic skiing in addition to baseball and soccer.

Sapporo Dome is among the more pitcher-friendly parks in Japan, thanks to high outfield walls. The stadium is not terribly conveniently located, requiring a significant train ride from downtown and a 10-minute walk from the station to the ballpark.

While one of the newer stadiums in NPB (and the newest of the domed structures), the Fighters will be moving to a new ballpark in 2023. The new park will be even further from downtown Sapporo, as it is being built in the suburb of Kitahiroshima. However, there are plans to set up a new JR station right across from the new park, which should make the trip to the stadium relatively pleasant. It looks like the stadium will feature a retractable roof, which could come in handy on those cold spring and fall nights in Hokkaido.